The Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) has granted Millwood House registration for 64 children between aged 3 months and 5 years.
Some of the key comments are summarised below:

Overall rating is Good

"Managers want the best for children, families and staff. They have developed a safe and nurturing place, where children flourish."

"Staff use good teaching skills and ask open questions to promote discussions to prompt children to think. Staff provide good support, which allows all the children to be actively involved in activities and promotes their independence."

"Overall, the quality of the learning environment is good, indoors and out, and children play happily. They make good progress as they play with the wide range of quality toys and resources and enjoy experiences that cover all areas of learning."

"Children are confident, play happily and show they feel safe, as they have good relationships with staff."

For more details please download the report or contact us for a copy.

Download the Full OFSTED Report